golang flag 包_如何在Go中使用Flag包
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golang flag 包

介绍 (Introduction)

Command-line utilities are rarely useful out of the box without additional configuration. Good defaults are important, but useful utilities need to accept configuration from users. On most platforms, command-line utilities accept flags to customize the command’s execution. Flags are key-value delimited strings added after the name of the command. Go lets you craft command-line utilities that accept flags by using the flag package from the standard library.

如果没有其他配置,命令行实用程序很少会立即可用。 好的默认值很重要,但是有用的实用程序需要接受用户的配置。 在大多数平台上,命令行实用程序接受标志以自定义命令的执行。 标志是在命令名称后添加的键值分隔字符串。 Go使您可以使用标准库中的flag包来制作接受标志的命令行实用程序。

In this tutorial you’ll explore various ways to use the flag package to build different kinds of command-line utilities. You’ll use a flag to control program output, introduce positional arguments where you mix flags and other data, and then implement sub-commands.

在本教程中,您将探索使用flag包构建各种命令行实用程序的各种方法。 您将使用标志来控制程序输出,在混合标志和其他数据的位置引入位置参数,然后实现子命令。

使用标志更改程序的行为 (Using a Flag to Change a Program’s Behavior)

Using the flag package involves three steps: First, to capture flag values, then define the flags your Go application will use, and finally, parse the flags provided to the application upon execution. Most of the functions within the flag package are concerned with defining flags and binding them to variables that you have defined. The parsing phase is handled by the Parse() function.

使用flag包涉及三个步骤:首先, 以捕获标志值,然后定义Go应用程序将使用的标志,最后,在执行时解析提供给应用程序的标志。 flag包中的大多数功能都与定义标志并将其绑定到您定义的变量有关。 解析阶段由Parse()函数处理。

To illustrate, you’ll create a program that defines a flag that changes the message that will be printed to standard output. If there’s a -color flag provided, the program will print a message in blue. If no flag is provided, the message will be printed without any color.

为了说明这一点,您将创建一个程序,该程序定义一个标志,该标志会更改将打印到标准输出的消息。 如果提供了-color标志,则程序将以蓝色打印一条消息。 如果未提供标志,则将打印没有任何颜色的消息。

Create a new file called boolean.go:


  • nano boolean.go


Add the following code to the file to create the program:


package mainimport (    "flag"    "fmt")type Color stringconst (    ColorBlack  Color = "\u001b[30m"    ColorRed          = "\u001b[31m"    ColorGreen        = "\u001b[32m"    ColorYellow       = "\u001b[33m"    ColorBlue         = "\u001b[34m"    ColorReset        = "\u001b[0m")func colorize(color Color, message string) {    fmt.Println(string(color), message, string(ColorReset))}func main() {    useColor := flag.Bool("color", false, "display colorized output")    flag.Parse()    if *useColor {        colorize(ColorBlue, "Hello, DigitalOcean!")        return    }    fmt.Println("Hello, DigitalOcean!")}

This example uses to instruct the terminal to display colorized output. These are specialized sequences of characters, so it makes sense to define a new type for them. In this example, we’ve called that type Color, and defined the type as a string. We then define a palette of colors to use in the const block that follows. The colorize function defined after the const block accepts one of these Color constants and a string variable for the message to colorize. It then instructs the terminal to change color by first printing the escape sequence for the color requested, then prints the message, and finally requests that the terminal reset its color by printing the special color reset sequence.

本示例使用来指示终端显示彩色输出。 这些是特殊的字符序列,因此有必要为其定义一个新的类型。 在此示例中,我们将该类型称为Color ,并将该类型定义为string 。 然后,我们定义要在随后的const块中使用的调色板。 在const块之后定义的colorize函数接受这些Color常量之一和string变量以使消息着色。 然后,它指示终端通过先打印所请求的颜色的转义序列来更改颜色,然后打印消息,最后请求终端通过打印特殊的颜色重置序列来重置其颜色。

Within main, we use the flag.Bool function to define a Boolean flag called color. The second parameter to this function, false, sets the default value for this flag when it is not provided. Contrary to expectations you may have, setting this to true does not invert the behavior such that providing a flag will cause it to become false. Consequently, the value of this parameter is almost always false with Boolean flags.

main内部,我们使用flag.Bool函数定义一个称为color的布尔值标志。 此函数的第二个参数false ,在未提供此标志时设置默认值。 与您可能期望的相反,将其设置为true不会反转行为,以致提供一个标志将导致它变为false。 因此,带有布尔标志的此参数的值几乎始终为false

The final parameter is a string of documentation that can be printed as a usage message. The value returned from this function is a pointer to a bool. The flag.Parse function on the next line uses this pointer to set the bool variable based on the flags passed in by the user. We are then able to check the value of this bool pointer by dereferencing the pointer. More information about pointer variables can be found in the . Using this Boolean value, we can then call colorize when the -color flag is set, and call the fmt.Println variable when the flag is absent.

最后一个参数是可以作为使用情况消息打印的文档字符串。 从该函数返回的值是一个指向bool的指针。 下一行的flag.Parse函数使用此指针根据用户传递的标志来设置bool变量。 然后,我们可以通过取消引用指针来检查此bool指针的值。 有关指针变量的更多信息,请参见 。 使用这种布尔值,我们可以调用colorize-color标志设置,并调用fmt.Println变量当标志是不存在的。

Save the file and run the program without any flags:


  • go run boolean.go


You’ll see the following output:


Hello, DigitalOcean!

Now run this program again with the -color flag:


  • go run boolean.go -color

    去运行boolean.go -color

The output will be the same text, but this time in the color blue.


Flags are not the only values passed to commands. You might also send file names or other data.

标志不是传递给命令的唯一值。 您可能还会发送文件名或其他数据。

处理位置参数 (Working with Positional Arguments)

Typically commands will take a number of arguments that act as the subject of the command’s focus. For example, the head command, which prints the first lines of a file, is often invoked as head example.txt. The file example.txt is a positional argument in the invocation of the head command.

通常,命令将使用许多参数,这些参数充当命令焦点的主题。 例如,经常将打印文件第一行的head命令作为head example.txt调用。 文件example.txthead命令调用中的位置参数。

The Parse() function will continue to parse flags that it encounters until it detects a non-flag argument. The flag package makes these available through the Args() and Arg() functions.

Parse()函数将继续解析遇到的标志,直到检测到非标志参数为止。 flag包通过Args()Arg()函数使它们可用。

To illustrate this, you’ll build a simplified re-implementation of the head command, which displays the first several lines of a given file:


Create a new file called head.go and add the following code:


package mainimport (    "bufio"    "flag"    "fmt"    "io"    "os")func main() {    var count int    flag.IntVar(&count, "n", 5, "number of lines to read from the file")    flag.Parse()    var in io.Reader    if filename := flag.Arg(0); filename != "" {        f, err := os.Open(filename)        if err != nil {            fmt.Println("error opening file: err:", err)            os.Exit(1)        }        defer f.Close()        in = f    } else {        in = os.Stdin    }    buf := bufio.NewScanner(in)    for i := 0; i < count; i++ {        if !buf.Scan() {            break        }        fmt.Println(buf.Text())    }    if err := buf.Err(); err != nil {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error reading: err:", err)    }}

First, we define a count variable to hold the number of lines the program should read from the file. We then define the -n flag using flag.IntVar, mirroring the behavior of the original head program. This function allows us to pass our own to a variable in contrast to the flag functions that do not have the Var suffix. Apart from this difference, the rest of the parameters to flag.IntVar follow its flag.Int counterpart: the flag name, a default value, and a description. As in the previous example, we then call flag.Parse() to process the user’s input.

首先,我们定义一个count变量来保存程序应从文件中读取的行数。 然后,使用flag.IntVar定义-n标志,以镜像原始head程序的行为。 与不带Var后缀的flag函数相比,此函数使我们可以将自己的传递给变量。 除了这种区别之外, flag.IntVar的其余参数flag.IntVar跟随其flag.Int对应项:标志名称,默认值和描述。 与前面的示例一样,然后调用flag.Parse()来处理用户的输入。

The next section reads the file. We first define an io.Reader variable that will either be set to the file requested by the user, or standard input passed to the program. Within the if statement, we use the flag.Arg function to access the first positional argument after all flags. If the user supplied a file name, this will be set. Otherwise, it will be the empty string (""). When a filename is present, we use the os.Open function to open that file and set the io.Reader we defined before to that file. Otherwise, we use os.Stdin to read from standard input.

下一节将读取文件。 我们首先定义一个io.Reader变量,该变量将被设置为用户请求的文件或传递给程序的标准输入。 在if语句中,我们使用flag.Arg函数访问所有标志之后的第一个位置参数。 如果用户提供了文件名,则将进行设置。 否则,它将是空字符串( "" )。 当存在文件名时,我们使用os.Open函数打开该文件,并将之前定义的io.Reader设置为该文件。 否则,我们使用os.Stdin从标准输入读取。

The final section uses a *bufio.Scanner created with bufio.NewScanner to read lines from the io.Reader variable in. We iterate up to the value of count using a , calling break if scanning the line with buf.Scan produces a false value, indicating that the number of lines is less than the number requested by the user.

最后一节使用*bufio.Scanner与创建bufio.NewScanner读取来自线io.Reader变量in 。 我们迭代到的值count使用 ,呼叫break如果扫描与所述线buf.Scan产生一个false值,表示线的数量小于由用户请求的数目。

Run this program and display the contents of the file you just wrote by using head.go as the file argument:


  • go run head.go -- head.go


The -- separator is a special flag recognized by the flag package which indicates that no more flag arguments follow. When you run this command, you receive the following output:

--分隔符是flag包识别的特殊标志,指示不再跟随标志参数。 运行此命令时,将收到以下输出:

package mainimport ( "bufio" "flag"

Use the -n flag you defined to adjust the amount of output:


  • go run head.go -n 1 head.go

    去运行head.go -n 1 head.go

This outputs only the package statement:


package main

Finally, when the program detects that no positional arguments were supplied, it reads input from standard input, just like head. Try running this command:

最后,当程序检测到未提供任何位置参数时,它将像head一样从标准输入中读取输入。 尝试运行以下命令:

  • echo "fish\nlobsters\nsharks\nminnows" | go run head.go -n 3

    回声“鱼\龙虾\ nsharks \ nminnows” | 去运行head.go -n 3

You’ll see the output:



The behavior of the flag functions you’ve seen so far has been limited to examining the entire command invocation. You don’t always want this behavior, especially if you’re writing a command line tool that supports sub-commands.

到目前为止,您已经看到的flag函数的行为仅限于检查整个命令调用。 您并不总是希望这种行为,尤其是在编写支持子命令的命令行工具时。

使用FlagSet实现子命令 (Using FlagSet to Implement Sub-commands)

Modern command-line applications often implement “sub-commands” to bundle a suite of tools under a single command. The most well-known tool that uses this pattern is git. When examining a command like git init, git is the command and init is the sub-command of git. One notable feature of sub-commands is that each sub-command can have its own collection of flags.

现代的命令行应用程序通常实现“子命令”,以将一组工具捆绑在一个命令下。 使用此模式的最著名的工具是git 。 当检查git init类的命令时, git是命令, initgit的子命令。 子命令的一个显着特征是每个子命令可以具有自己的标志集合。

Go applications can support sub-commands with their own set of flags using the flag.(*FlagSet) type. To illustrate this, create a program that implements a command using two sub-commands with different flags.

Go应用程序可以使用flag.(*FlagSet)类型来支持带有自己的一组标志的子命令。 为了说明这一点,请创建一个使用两个带有不同标志的子命令来实现命令的程序。

Create a new file called subcommand.go and add the following content to the file:


package mainimport (    "errors"    "flag"    "fmt"    "os")func NewGreetCommand() *GreetCommand {    gc := &GreetCommand{        fs: flag.NewFlagSet("greet", flag.ContinueOnError),    }    gc.fs.StringVar(&gc.name, "name", "World", "name of the person to be greeted")    return gc}type GreetCommand struct {    fs *flag.FlagSet    name string}func (g *GreetCommand) Name() string {    return g.fs.Name()}func (g *GreetCommand) Init(args []string) error {    return g.fs.Parse(args)}func (g *GreetCommand) Run() error {    fmt.Println("Hello", g.name, "!")    return nil}type Runner interface {    Init([]string) error    Run() error    Name() string}func root(args []string) error {    if len(args) < 1 {        return errors.New("You must pass a sub-command")    }    cmds := []Runner{        NewGreetCommand(),    }    subcommand := os.Args[1]    for _, cmd := range cmds {        if cmd.Name() == subcommand {            cmd.Init(os.Args[2:])            return cmd.Run()        }    }    return fmt.Errorf("Unknown subcommand: %s", subcommand)}func main() {    if err := root(os.Args[1:]); err != nil {        fmt.Println(err)        os.Exit(1)    }}

This program is divided into a few parts: the main function, the root function, and the individual functions to implement the sub-command. The main function handles errors returned from commands. If any function returns an , the if statement will catch it, print the error, and the program will exit with a status code of 1, indicating that an error occurred to the rest of the operating system. Within main, we pass all of the arguments the program was invoked with to root. We remove the first argument, which is the name of the program (in the previous examples ./subcommand) by slicing os.Args first.

该程序分为几个部分: main函数, root函数和实现子命令的单个函数。 main功能处理命令返回的错误。 如果有任何函数返回 ,则if语句将捕获该错误,并输出错误,程序将以状态码1退出,表明操作系统的其余部分均发生了错误。 在main内部,我们将调用程序的所有参数传递给root 。 我们通过先切片os.Args删除第一个参数,即程序的名称(在前面的示例中是./subcommand )。

The root function defines []Runner, where all sub-commands would be defined. Runner is an for sub-commands that allows root to retrieve the name of the sub-command using Name() and compare it against the contents subcommand variable. Once the correct sub-command is located after iterating through the cmds variable we initialize the sub-command with the rest of the arguments and invoke that command’s Run() method.

root函数定义[]Runner ,其中将定义所有子命令。 Runner是子命令的 ,它允许root使用Name()检索子命令的Name() ,并将其与subcommand变量进行比较。 在迭代cmds变量后找到正确的子命令后,我们将使用其余参数初始化该子命令,然后调用该命令的Run()方法。

We only define one sub-command, though this framework would easily allow us to create others. The GreetCommand is instantiated using NewGreetCommand where we create a new *flag.FlagSet using flag.NewFlagSet. flag.NewFlagSet takes two arguments: a name for the flag set, and a strategy for reporting parsing errors. The *flag.FlagSet’s name is accessible using the flag.(*FlagSet).Name method. We use this in the (*GreetCommand).Name() method so the name of the sub-command matches the name we gave to the *flag.FlagSet. NewGreetCommand also defines a -name flag in a similar way to previous examples, but it instead calls this as a method off the *flag.FlagSet field of the *GreetCommand, gc.fs. When root calls the Init() method of the *GreetCommand, we pass the arguments provided to the Parse method of the *flag.FlagSet field.

我们仅定义一个子命令,尽管此框架可以轻松地使我们创建其他子命令。 使用GreetCommand实例化NewGreetCommand ,在其中我们使用NewGreetCommand创建一个新的*flag.FlagSet flag.NewFlagSetflag.NewFlagSet具有两个参数:标志集的名称和报告解析错误的策略。 *flag.FlagSet的名称可以使用flag.(*FlagSet).Name方法访问。 我们在(*GreetCommand).Name()方法中使用它,因此子命令的名称与我们给*flag.FlagSet赋予的名称匹配。 NewGreetCommand还定义了-name标志以类似的方式,以前面的例子,但它而不是调用此为关闭的方法*flag.FlagSet的领域*GreetCommandgc.fs 。 当root调用*GreetCommandInit()方法时,我们会将提供的参数传递给*flag.FlagSet字段的Parse方法。

It will be easier to see sub-commands if you build this program and then run it. Build the program:

如果您生成此程序然后运行它,将更容易看到子命令。 生成程序:

  • go build subcommand.go

    转到build subcommand.go

Now run the program with no arguments:


  • ./subcommand


You’ll see this output:


You must pass a sub-command

Now run the program with the greet sub-command:


  • ./subcommand greet


This produces the following output:


Hello World !

Now use the -name flag with greet to specify a name:


  • ./subcommand greet -name Sammy

    ./subcommand问候-name Sammy

You’ll see this output from the program:


Hello Sammy !

This example illustrates some principles behind how larger command line applications could be structured in Go. FlagSets are designed to give developers more control over where and how flags are processed by the flag parsing logic.

此示例说明了如何在Go中构造更大的命令行应用程序的一些原理。 FlagSet旨在使开发人员可以更好地控制标志解析逻辑在何处以及如何处理标志。

结论 (Conclusion)

Flags make your applications more useful in more contexts because they give your users control over how the programs execute. It’s important to give users useful defaults, but you should give them the opportunity to override settings that don’t work for their situation. You’ve seen that the flag package offers flexible choices to present configuration options to your users. You can choose a few simple flags, or build an extensible suite of sub-commands. In either case, using the flag package will help you build utilities in the style of the long history of flexible and scriptable command line tools.

标志使您的应用程序在更多上下文中更有用,因为标志使您的用户可以控制程序的执行方式。 为用户提供有用的默认值很重要,但是您应该给他们机会覆盖对他们的情况不起作用的设置。 您已经看到, flag包提供了灵活的选择,可以向用户提供配置选项。 您可以选择一些简单的标志,或构建一组可扩展的子命令。 无论哪种情况,使用flag包都将帮助您构建具有悠久历史的灵活且可编写脚本的命令行工具的样式。

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golang flag 包


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